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This website contains everything you need to know about DIY mask making, INCLUDING supplies and materials needed and where to get them; how to mix and apply the plaster to the face; how to remove the mask; and creative decorating applications and uses whether for kids in the classroom, for ceremony, art therapy, press molding and more. 


There is also a professionally produced DVD you can purchase here (Amazon) that goes in to much more detail  on each of these steps (approximately 53 minutes long)

Making a plaster mask of your face is easier than you might imagine! And I'm quite sure that you'll be surprised at how powerful a self-discovery this process can be.

By popular demand after a my national TV interview on Home & Garden, I created and published this DVD.


People have said it's the best, step-by-step tool available for creating masks, using the plaster bandage technique and its endless array of applications. I know it will get your inspired and ready to just do it :)

The Art of Mask Making

for Self-Discovery / Art Therapy,
Children's Classroom Projects,
Ceremony & Theater

Using Plaster of Paris and Your Face!

Welcome to the creative self-expression of mask making. The possibilities are endless...

How to make a face mask with plaster paris - DVD on Amazon
DVD Video
4-Minute Introductory Trailer


In this video, master mask-maker, Ronda LaRue will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know to create your own life mask, including an array of creative applications.  Full DVD is approx. 50 minutes

master mask-maker, spiritual teacher and author: Remembering Who You Really Are

Visit or email for more about Ronda and her Soulful Life Work.

copyright Ronda LaRue ~ Ojai California USA 1998  

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